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Boston children’s hospital improves patient care through workflow automation

Boston Children’s Hospital knows that effective collaboration between departments plays an important role in the delivery of high-quality care experiences. To shape a more efficient working environment for its clinicians and staff, the hospital has replaced paper records with digital documents using Tungsten ControlSuite™—boosting productivity and enabling multi-million-dollar cost-savings.


Saved by moving to digital records


Employee collaboration


Operational efficiency

About company

Boston Children’s Hospital is a 347-bed comprehensive center for pediatric healthcare. As one of the largest pediatric medical centers in the United States, Boston Children’s offers a complete range of healthcare services for children from birth through 21 years of age. The hospital records approximately 18,000 inpatient admissions each year, more than 150 outpatient programs, and emergency services care for more than 300,000 patients annually.

Boston Children's Hospital logo
Parfaitement adaptée aux besoins du personnel hospitalier, cette solution est très facile à utiliser. Tungsten Automation a rendu ce processus fluide et extrêmement efficace.
Alex Khayat
Responsable de l’architecture, des normes et des technologies émergentes