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Go to Market Faster With Industry-Leading OEM Technologies 

Kofax OEM Partner Benefits

Save valuable development resources, and get to market faster by leveraging our mature, industry-leading technology and expertise. If you or your customers demand functionality that falls outside of your core competencies, you can count on Kofax for proven technology and the support of a complete team of developers, industry specialists and solution designers.

  • Expand value proposition and market reach
  • Realize quicker time to market with less risk using proven technology
  • Leverage distinctive power in information-intensive business processes
  • Gain access to an open architecture for partner solution building
  • Scale across the enterprise as customer needs dictate
  • Lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
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OEM Kofax OmniPage Server et OmniPage Capture

Kofax vous guidera tout au long des flux de travail et vous aidera à découvrir comment la reconnaissance optique des caractères (OCR) peut révéler des données précieuses au sein de vos documents professionnels.

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Technologies OEM

Leveraging over 20 years of experience, we can help to ensure your products are current, compliant and ready to meet your customers’ needs.
Blurred business office shopping mall

Kofax OEM Product Comparison

Solution comparison across OEM Products